My Story

From Overwhelmed To Organized. Ready To Thrive!

You’ve landed in the perfect spot to tackle your biggest organizing challenges. And guess what?

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

I get it - all the clutter and chaos makes you feel completely overwhelmed - 

  • Where do you even start?

  • Where do you find the time to start?

  • And… won’t everything wind up cluttered again? (ahem, ya got kids)

Even if you’ve tried other solutions without success - this is an invitation to let them go. Because, if I had to guess, those solutions didn’t work because they didn’t have your family in mind.

Finding the right approach to editing + organizing for you is key to watching your whole life transform.

Where instead of navigating chaos and messes left and right, you feel at ease in your space - like everything has its place.

Where instead of the desire to organize remaining on the backburner, you finally feel accomplished because you crossed off the biggest to-do on your list. 

Where instead of constantly being reminded of the past - all of the possessions that remind you of a life that isn’t here anymore are no longer. 

Imagine giving your kids the experience of a clutter-free, organized, but fully lived-in home while understanding how to do that for themselves, too.

If you’re thinking… “Yes, yes, that sounds great. But howwww?”

That’s where I come in!

I’m an organizer who is non-judgmental and here to encourage you to take control of your life and feel the power of editing. An organizer who truly feels like a friend so the editing + organization process feels easy.

My purpose is to support and empower overwhelmed you and your family through home editing + estate organizing. To infuse ease to life’s transitions by bringing calm, order and organization. To provide tools to simplify lives during transitions and to encourage more intentional living.

There is so much care, depth, and attention to detail in how I support my clients. It’s practical with some magic and lightness and compassion woven in, making it a transformative experience that not only helps your space feel more free and open and tidy, but also invites you to notice how it makes you feel better while showing you how to maintain it.

My Story

I was always a kid who enjoyed structure, routine, + organizing.

Without really paying attention to it - everything I had always had a home. A place it returned to, time and time again.

Color-coded notes, alphabetized books + a closet arranged by season and color were my jam.

They still are.

Shocking, right?!

Fast forward a decade or two - after an unexpected life transition, I found myself a single mom, surrounded by things that anchored me to the past.

They were remnants of a life that no longer existed, and every glance felt like a tug backward when all I wanted was to move forward.

Decluttering became more than just tidying up - it became a way to reclaim control, both over my physical space + my mental headspace.

Each item I let go of was a small step toward discovering who I was now.

Making my home work for me in a way that felt natural brought such a sense of ease. I realized that editing my spaces wasn't just about removing the old - it was about creating room for the new.

It was a constant opportunity to grow, to replace what no longer served me, and to make space for what did.

Even though I sometimes wished I could erase the past, I knew deep down that it wasn't about erasing but about experiencing, learning, and moving forward with those lessons.

Now, when I walk through my home, I see it as a reflection of who I am today - a living, breathing space that grows and evolves with me.

The beauty of decluttering is that it gave me the chance to write a new story, while still honoring the one that got me here.

And what I discovered about myself along the way was…

I have a gift for organization, getting things done, and doing it in a way that is compassionate and fun. 

My biggest desire on this earth is to make people’s lives easier and better. Helping people specifically during their most vulnerable seasons is at my core.

Nothing fills my cup up more than being able to bring levity to challenges, order to chaos, and peace + ease to the moments when there is a whole lot of uncertainty or grief.

I have this immense capacity to be with people in their pain - and to help them find even the tiniest bit of relief in the way I help them “lighten up their load” through organization.

I can cheerlead like the best of them, ha! Give me all that you got + I’ll do the same! I love watching strong women thrive!

So, if you’re looking for a partner in decluttering and organization who brings both professionalism and deep compassion to the table (and feels like a girlfriend you’d love to grab coffee with), I’d love to support you.

Ready to start your organizing journey?

Home Editing

Estate Organizing

Clutter Cleanse

“If you want change, change. It doesn’t have to be all at once, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, but it needs to be.”

— Lindsey Criveller

Home Organizer

Professional Bio

Lindsey Criveller is a Home Editor & Estate Organizer who takes a holistic approach to helping overwhelmed moms and families declutter and organize their homes so they can thrive within the happy and challenging seasons of life. Her mission is to awaken more people to the healing power of clearing out items that don’t bring us joy and organizing our spaces to elevate your wellbeing, not take away from it. She was inspired to become a Home Editor after becoming a single mom who needed to create some order in her life. Organization brought her a sense of control and purpose during a very difficult season of life and she feels called to offer more families the same peace of mind. She received her training from QC Design School in 2022. In a former life, Lindsey led customer-facing teams in retail and financial services. She has a B.A in Psychology and an MBA in HR + Strategic Management.